PSE:Product Saftety of Electrical Appliance & Material 。根据 DENAN 法,必须由日本经济产业省 (METI, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) 授权的第三方认证机构进行产品认证,如 JET,JQA,COSMOS ,其中 JQA 是 Asia Network Forum (ANF) 的成员。
DENAN 法将产品分为 A 、B 两大类,制造商有义务保存测试结果和证明。
根据日本DENAN规范将452种电子电气类用品和元件分为两类:指定产品: Specified products, SP (即为Category A) 及非指定产品: Non-specified products, NSP (即为Category B)。所有指定类的产品皆必须经由METI所授权的符合性评估机构(CAB),来进行产品及工厂测试设备的检验。工厂检验必需针对每一工厂或产品类别进行检测,并根据不同产品类别核发验证,验证有效期约在3-7年之间。
1. Category A中共有115个强制项目,证书必须透过验证单位发证,例如外接电源为此项目强制产品
被归类在Category A中的强制产品,需申请菱形PSE,PSE可透过两种方式申请
省令一: 透过IEC融合日本当地法规标准测试
省令二: 使用CB转证
2. Category B中共有338个强制项目,可以透过验证单位发报告或是制造商自己发报告登录,例如影音类产品被归类于Category B中的强制产品,则可申请可自我宣告的圆形PSE
3. 不在Category A & Category B中的产品,可选择性申请Japan S-Mark,此验证是一种自愿性的安全标志,代表客户产品已通过日本电气和原料安全(DENAN Law)或国际IEC标准的安全标准测试。拥有S-Mark的产品将可以提升零售商和消费者对产品的信心,取得市场竞争力。
The PSE law (PSE法 PSE hō?) is the law that governs electrical appliance safety in Japan. PSE stands for Product Safety Electrical Appliance & Material. The formal name is Denki Yōhin Anzenhō (電気用品安全法?). The most recent revision comes April 1, 2001. The PSE symbol can be found on appliances that are approved for use in Japan.
DENAN is a mandatory national law administered by Japan’s METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), which was formerly called the Electrical Appliance and Material Control Law (“DENTORI”). For electrical appliances such as DC Power Supplies exported to Japan, the DENAN “DENAN symbol” approval is required.
AC/DC power supplies are considered a 'Category A' product with means they are specified products and require a diamond PSE Mark for use in Japan. These specified electrical appliances are either required to undergo third-party conformity assessment, and obtain their certificate, or obtain “the equivalent of a certificate” through
the manufacturers of the specified electrical appliances concerned. The Notifying Supplier (importer) is responsible for ensuring that the product is tested in accordance with the requirements by a RCAB (or “Registered Conformity Assessment Body”).
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